Accounting & Tax

Get expert guidance on accounting and tax-related matters to ensure your finances are in order. Stay up-to-date with tax laws and regulations and maximise your deductions to minimise your tax liabilities.

Keeping yourself, your business and your customers safe online

Access to the internet is a business imperative to connect to customers, transact business and network across geographies and industries. Likewise, a concern for individuals and companies operating online is keeping sensitive data and information secure from cyber-criminals and hackers. Supporting customers with security The day to day impact of cyber-crime has become a fact […]

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Engine Room App Insightly

App of the week : Insightly

Founded in 2009 and based in San Francisco, Insightly is an easy-to-use customer relationship management solution (CRM) for keeping a handle on all those important connections. With Insightly, all your sales and critical business information such as: leads, contacts, emails, tasks, projects, reports, and sales opportunities are organised, clear, and accessible from all devices — including desktop

App of the week : Insightly Read More »

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