8 Reasons Why You Should Tighten Your Financial Controls

Female admin assistant looking at paperwork.

ApprovalMax and Xero.

It’s the end of the day and you have to track down someone to sign off on that one PO. It’s stressful and time consuming and you think there must be a better way. Or you see a bill and wonder “Who on earth approved this?”

The better way is with ApprovalMax.

ApprovalMax ensures the right people see the right documents so you know approvals of anything requiring payment will meet the right protocols.

Download the free guide8 reasons to tighten your financial accounts for Xero users.

The importance of tight financial controls may not be a priority until something goes wrong. However, it’s likely that your business has changed from how it used to operate 2 or 3 years ago, and your processes need to have updated with it.

Reasons to do this are not only because of changing factors in your business but changing factors externally. Think about Xero making updates to their technology consistently. It’s not just about making their software more user friendly, but tightening their fraud protection capabilities, bringing in AI technology and streamlining work to make the day-to-day functions quicker and easier.

Using ApprovalMax to help with tighter financial controls, means you don’t need to grant access to everyone to approve a document.

You control who needs to see and approve documents. Not only is this a stringent audit process, but you’ll be improving the admin process by having approvals completed in the cloud.

We’ve found that ApprovalMax is great for both small and large businesses. Not for Profit organisations can benefit from this software just as much as a large organisation.

Getting started with ApprovalMax is easy.  If you’re interested our team can help with the Xero integration and guide you through how to use it. Just give your Engine Room advisor a call or email to get the ball rolling.

Read more on their website and watch the short webinar for more information: https://approvalmax.com/

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